This is my favorite from the Fantasyland Series. I loved the first one with Finnie and Frey. I liked the second one with Circe and Lahn, but had to stop reading at times because Lahn was making me too mad (see my review for The Golden Dynasty if you want more details about that). But I absolutely adored Cora and Tor.
Another reviewer said they hope to learn more about Noc and Apollo and I hope, I hope, I hope I get to read more about them too. I love this world so much and it would sadden me if I never got to experience it again.
So the same premise for the past two books goes for this book. A woman from this Earth is sent in her sleep to the other Earth. The other Cora was sent to this Earth. Unlike in the other two books, we quickly learn that we do not and will not like Cora. We never find any redeeming qualities about her and I really enjoyed that I disliked her. Tor is already married to the other Cora because it was foretold at his birth that she held the other half of his soul. However, he quickly found out how dreadful she was. When good Cora woke up in the other Earth, birds were talking to her and she had an adorable sister. However, she quickly set in motion a curse that affects everyone in Prince Tor's kingdom. He, of course, thinks his terrible wife did this on purpose and does not believe good Cora's story of waking up in an alternate universe. The curse is after them and Tor must keep Cora safe even though he wants nothing to do with her. He thinks this new Cora's actions are just a farce. Meanwhile, the bad Cora has managed to attract the Tor of this Earth and has made a large mess of good Cora's life, ignoring her parents, leaving her apartment in shambles, losing all friends as well as getting into some nefarious activity in this world as well.
In between my breaks of book two, I would read this book. The only reason I didn't finish this book before it's predecessor is that I sensed I would learn some things in this book which would affect the people in book two.
Please make and book four, five, six...
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