4 Stars
I actually loaned this book out before I read it
myself. I was looking forward to reading
it, but I was in the middle of another book so you will just have to deal with
the lateness of this review from the release date. Also a word to the wise…another reviewer
(either intentionally or unintentionally) had spoilers in their review and the
Heather Killough-Walden fans on facebook had a crusade to “say that the review
wasn’t helpful” on Amazon. Seems a bit
harsh…so don’t make these ladies mad!
They will come for you and your reviews!
Dorian is the main character in this book. He is the half vampire/half human brother of
the French Vampire King. These brothers
do not get along well…beyond normal sibling rivalry. There was a prophecy that for the many
vampire kings of the world that they would have a human queen who would be able
to give them half vampire/half human children.
This is desirable for many reasons of which we won’t get into here. So these kings have waited. Julien (French Vampire King) had a dream
about a woman and many things are revealed to him, but he does know that Emma
is his queen. So he sends Dorian after
her. There is a whole lot more going on
here that just two brothers fighting over a woman. There is dissention (other than Dorian’s)
within the ranks. Other kings are aware
of Emma and making their own plans.
Friends are foes and foes are friends.
I really liked the storyline. Emma at times wasn’t very likeable and Dorian
was just “blah” at times. Julien was an
awesome bad guy. You will love hating
this guy. And I actually can’t wait to
read the next book…I don’t think I can say who the next vampire king will be to
get his book without revealing something about the storyline so you will just
have to read it! I was hoping the
epilogue was going to be about him though. This author’s book are always such a
good deal for the money you send. The
editing is well done and the storyline is always interesting. I’m pretty sure I own all her books.
P.S. Heather: I am still waiting patiently for the next book
in the Neverland series. I need some
more Hook!
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