This is a review for an ARC copy, given with the understanding of an honest review.
Yes, my children, it is time for another installment of the amazing world of Tammy Blackwell’s Shifters and Seers. And yes, your hopes and dreams will be answered in the 88 pages of gloriousness that is this novella.
I was actually slightly confused when I started reading. When we left Talley and Jase they were madly in love, but when you start reading you quickly realize that they are not at that point yet. So how far back have we gone? The first time we spend in Jase’s head, the reader figures it out. He is talking to Sarvana (yes the evil queen who was vanquished in Fate Succumbs) and it quickly becomes clear where we are in the storyline. Scout is MIA with Liam and the reader gets the story of how Talley and Jase become “Talley and Jase”. Jase and Talley are both at college and attempting to portray loyal followers for the Alpha Pack and the entire novella happens within a few short days.
We get to meet Joshua, Jase’s roommate (the immortal from Fate Succumbs) from the beginning. He is quite funny and I am glad I got to meet him in this fashion. He is sneaky and dramatic and I love him.
The reader finds out what it cost Toby to stand up for Scout in Time Mends at her trial with the Alpha Pack. I am really glad the author put that in there because I never realized what happened after he defended Scout. It was a big deal for Toby to do that and I admire his character more.
My favorite part of Tammy’s writing is her humor. Even though this is an ARC copy I will still be downloading a kindle copy so that I can go through and highlight all my favorite parts. The author has a talent for using humor to lighten situations without making the characters seem irreverent or immature. I love the references to Mario Bros. and The Princess Bride. And then there are the scenes when the characters are being serious and I might even love those more. Ahh…so much to love! I can’t even begin to pick out a line or scene that would be my favorite, but I will try.
(One of) my favorite quote(s):
“Jase, you’re standing around in your panties. Get some pants on. Now”
-Talley to Jase after he took off his “Pizza Pants of Shame”.
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