Thursday, October 16, 2014

Deacon by Kristen Ashley (Unfinished Heroes #4)

3 Stars
I have typically not enjoyed this series as much as this authors other works.  I am finding with her most recent writings that not a lot is happening.  Part of what I loved about her usual work was that we meet these great characters and we watch their relationships blossom, usually under duress, but BIG things happen along the way.  I loved the bombings, kidnappings, and murder attempts found in the Rock Chick Series and the Fantastical Series and the Three Series and the early ‘Burg Series and Colorado Mountain Man Series.  I loved all the books that took place in England.  The Three Wishes is one of my favorite books! 

I’m just not sure how much more of these new books I want to keep reading.  I can’t wait for the finale of the Three Series so I am crossing my fingers that it is as wonderful as the rest of those books.
Deacon is the hero (or anti-hero) of this book.  Apparently he is from the Colorado Mountain Man series but he is not at all the man that was portrayed during those books.  I would not have thought he would even warrant his own book.  I kept trying to make sense of this new side of Deacon.  We pretty much saw him only quietly sitting in the bar prior to this.  Anyway, he comes to Cassidy’s cabins repeatedly for six years.  He gives her no signs or encouragement but Cassidy still puts herself out there for him (although rather vaguely) and Deacon shuts her down.  But he keeps coming back.  Eventually something happens that means Deacon has to step into the situation.  Obviously we know it is a KA story so I am not giving anything away by letting people know that Deacon and Cassidy get involved.   And being part of this series we know that Deacon will have some baggage.  This baggage has kept him from making any meaningful relationships for a very long time and he is resistant to changing this. 

I just wished something else happened…anything of a bit of action. 

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