I really liked the premise of this book. The main character is Lucinda Miller who is a
physical therapist. She is in love with
a doctor that she works with, but this guy has never shown any interest in
her. Her next patient isn’t a stranger,
but her brother’s best friend, Reid Andrews.
He is a mixed martial artist and until his last fight when he tore his
rotator cuff and required surgery he was the champion. He has been ordered to see Lucinda (Lucie)
for physical therapy to get ready for his next fight to win back his
championship. Through some desperation
they both make the agreement that Reid will move in with Lucie and get all her
attention for his therapy, she will take vacation time and in return he has
agreed to teach her how to be the kind of woman who could catch the eye of her
As we could all guess, this plan goes awry in that they both
become attached to each other. They both
have baggage in their past that they have to get past. Lucie does faster than Reid and he screws
everything up. I loved how he redeemed
himself! I can picture it in my head and
it’s awesome! The only downfall I felt
was that these seemingly rational adults let some things in their past control
their whole lives. Because of a past
relationship she decided only compatibility mattered, not love. It got old, but when I thought about it, I could
see myself behaving in a similar irrational manner so it didn’t bother me as
Favorite Quote: This
is Reid talking to Lucie, he gave her some piece of jewelry and here is his
“This is a sparrow.”
He looked down and fingered the bird charm. “Unlike most birds, when a sparrow finds its
soul mate, they stay together until the end of their life.” Raising his head again he met her gaze. “Making them the symbol for finding one’s
true love.”
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