Saturday, September 14, 2013

First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones (Charley Davidson #1)

5 big fat stars

How have I not read these before?  I think it is the titles of this series.  It sounds just like so many other urban fantasy or paranormal romance book out there.  However, I absolutely loved this book.  Since UF/PNR books are a dime a dozen (or $0.99-$2.99 a book) these days it sometimes is hard to pay slightly more for a book, but these suckers are worth it!  I was only 1/3 through this book before I hopped back online to buy the second book.  I actually laughed out loud at least twice (I don’t do this much). 

Charley Davidson is a grim reaper.  What this means for us is that the dearly departed that still have some business that is keeping them as ghosties will use Charley as a portal to the other side.  She is a smart mouth private investigator as well and works with the Albuquerque PD as well.  In this book there are some ghosts that come to Charley for help to find their murderer and the PD ends up needing her help as well. 

Beyond this there is too much in the plot line to go into more detail.  While everything was nicely resolved, I can’t wait to read more in the second book.  

Favorite Quote: (This is a little longer than I usually do, but it made me laugh out loud.  It is a conversation between Charley and her best friend, Cookie)

 “Told you he had the hots for you.”

“Too bad he was small enough to fit into my cleavage.”

“I think that’s why he liked you,” I said, a bubble of laughter slipping out. 

Cookie sat silent a long while after that.  I gave her some time to absorb everything I was telling her.  After a moment she asked, “How is it even possible?”

“Well,” I said, deciding to tease her, “I don’t think he could’ve actually fit in your cleavage…”

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