This is the last book in this series although I strongly
advise against this. I need to know
Sophie and George’s story. I need to
know that Jack finds himself his own little love bunny. Someone else said that they felt like the
part with Spider was rushed, I have to disagree. I thought that was a perfect culmination for
Charlotte. The slavers wouldn’t have
presented a worthy adversary for her skills that would require her to initiate
a feedback loop, but The Hand? Yes, The
Hand is a perfect opponent. What I found
to be too fast of a wrap up was everything else! Which goes back to me wanting to know about
Sophie and George and Jack. I want to
see them get a HEA. Maybe a short story
or novella? Huh? Huh?
Richard was perfect for Charlotte. I have loved every book in this series as I
have loved every book Ilona Andrews has put out. I even love the free story they are posting
on their website. If you haven’t read
it, you should. Google “Ilona Andrews”
and look for a tab that says “free fiction” and “Clean Sweep” is the title of
this new story. They have 7 chapters
written so far.
Back to Richard and Charlotte. Richard could pass for a perfectly behaved
blueblood. Charlotte has been raised and
adopted by one of the First Ten (like the name implies they are the first ten
families of bluebloods). They are
perfect for each other and I love the witty bantering that goes back and
I loved George’s speech to his father. He said it all perfectly. Usually in those situations I think to
myself, “oh he should have said _______”.
That did not happen with this speech.
It was strong and appropriately condescending and arrogant. PERFECT
I also loved when Richard snuck into Charlotte’s room at the
ball. She thought he was gone, but he
overheard her talking and their entire interaction made me utterly happy.
Oh, I also loved the scene with Charlotte and Jason where
she gave him what for! She said everything perfectly as well!
This is the most catawampus review ever, but I can’t help
Favorite Quote (it was soooo hard to pick, I highlighted so
many parts including George’s speech and Richard sneaking into Charlotte’s
room). Any Princess Bride reference is awesome by me. This is Richard to Jason:
“The Five Gangs are frothing at the mouth trying to put you
on the bottom of the ocean, Rook has placed a bounty on your head, and now the
Mirror’s agents are watching your house.
Your definition of ‘well’ is troubling at best.”
He suddenly smiled
and affected a slight accent. “‘I do not think that word means what you think
it means.’”
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