4.5 Stars
I finished the first book in the series in two days and promptly went on Amazon and bought the second book. I am already 70% of the way through the third book before I convinced myself I should get my tuchas in gear and write the review for the this book before I finished the next one and get it all muddled.
All the books pick up right where the previous one left off with many of the problems from the previous books carrying over. This means the reader need not fret when they finish and have unanswered questions about some of Rylee’s predicaments.
So in this book the Arcane group of the FBI still wants Rylee to work for them and Liam wants Rylee for a partner. Rylee thinks that Milly and Liam are having a fling, but she is starting to admit that she has a thing for Liam. Rylee is called onto another Salvage and it turns out one of her old enemies is behind this. However, Rylee has a bigger problem. The demon that stung Rylee with its scorpion tail left some venom behind. This means that although the venom can’t kill Rylee the…side effects that the venom has on other things can affect her (that is all I can say without putting more spoilers in there). She has got to do something about this venom but every step she takes to remove it puts another obstacle in her way. Rylee’s friend, Dox, is in trouble and the shamans that were missing in the first book need to be found in this one. Faris (the vampire that wants Rylee for his unknown nefarious purposes) keeps showing up and Milly is still being…Milly. I knew I was right not to like Milly in the first book! She is bad news! Anyone who doesn’t like Alex is bad news in my book! Speaking of Alex, I think he might be my favorite character in this series. He is funny and loving.
This series reminds me a lot of Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniels series and if you follow my reviews you know that pretty much anything Ilona and Gordon can write, I will read it and love it! So you will understand if you know the Kate Daniels series, but both are urban fantasy, both have a unique take on some of the supernatural creatures in the series, and Rylee also has a mysterious parentage and doesn’t quite know what all she is capable of. Rylee is a loner with dubious social skills, but is an awesome fighter and doesn’t need a man to take care of her.
Ok, I love this series…read it. It’s cheap and if you don’t love it then…again, it’s cheap. The author could use a couple good beta readers and a little more proof reading, but it isn’t bad enough that it bothers me.
Favorite Quote: this is about Alex:
“Come on,” I grumbled at the weather. Anger was easier to hang onto than fear. Better in this case, ‘cause being afraid would only give me more trouble.
“Come on,” Alex grumbled, shaking a fist at the windshield. Shit, that werewolf made me laugh.