Raid by Kristen Ashley...just in case you were wondering...I'm loving it. I got it yesterday from Amazon although she said it wasn't going to be released until February in conclusion: Yes I am excited that I got the book 2 days earlier than expected and Yes it is everything I dreamed it would be (so far). I'll keep you posted. The cover is cool too (that is why it is so huge). I do like a cool cover.
Reviews on fastasy books, urban fantasy, paranomal romance, historical romance and anything else I want to read.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
What Am I Reading?
Raid by Kristen Ashley...just in case you were wondering...I'm loving it. I got it yesterday from Amazon although she said it wasn't going to be released until February in conclusion: Yes I am excited that I got the book 2 days earlier than expected and Yes it is everything I dreamed it would be (so far). I'll keep you posted. The cover is cool too (that is why it is so huge). I do like a cool cover.
Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh (Psy Changeling Series #1)

4.5 stars
This is the first book in this series. It is quite an extensive series. I think there is something like twelve books out now with novellas in between! I can’t believe I never read this series…and then I look at the cover. It’s just so hideous! It kinda makes me want to vomit. Note to whoever designs book covers: don’t make them hideous and stop putting half naked guys on them…it’s embarrassing.
The premise of the book is like many others. Guy meets girl and is intrigued and pursues her, much to her own discomfort. However, all the details are what make this book into something you haven’t read before. This being the first book I’ve read I am sure that I will get some things wrong or miss out. There are humans (which I am not sure we even meet one human in here…maybe Lucas’s receptionist?), Changelings (which are shifters, not what the fae leave you when they steal your baby), and then the Psy. The Psy are a race that are very focused on things of the mind. They have undergone something called “Silence” which appears to be a conditioning program to eliminate all things emotional from their repertoire.
The main characters are Lucas Hunter who is the alpha for a clan of leopards with some serious emotional baggage. He is about to enter into the first ever business arrangement between Psy and Changelings. His Psy contact is Sascha Duncan. Sascha is the daughter of a Psy council member (the council is the governing body). Sascha is a cardinal (a very powerful Psy), but has basically failed as she has no unique power as all cardinal’s do. To throw more gasoline on the fire, the Changelings are searching for a serial killer that dwells amongst the Psy and are using Sascha to get information.
I really enjoyed the book. Sometimes I read so many indie books that I forget what a good editor does to the book! The characters were great too. Neither of them annoyed me and while I knew the ending I didn’t know how the author was going to get there.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Gerard's Beauty by Marie Hall (Kingdom Series #2)
This is the second novella in this series with five
planned. The first was about the mad
hatter and his Alice. I absolutely loved
that one. This one is about a character
called Gerard Caron who is a part of the story of Beauty and the Beast but due
to his dealings with a malicious fairy, his part has been erased from the
He is a bit of a man whore which gets him into a bit of
trouble with that same malicious fairy and he is on a month probation in which
he must get his mate, Betty Hart to fall in love with him. I really like Betty Hart, she is a librarian
and has a mind of her own.
Favorite quote (this one sounds weird, but there was a lot of banter back and forth between Gerard and Betty which turned into loving banter and I am a sucker for loving banter ):
Favorite quote (this one sounds weird, but there was a lot of banter back and forth between Gerard and Betty which turned into loving banter and I am a sucker for loving banter ):
“You talk too much, harpy.”
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Her Mad Hatter by Marie Hall
This was a super quick read (I think it is listed at 129
pages), but (or maybe it’s not a “but”, but an “and”) I absolutely loved
it. Since seeing Tim Burton’s re-make of
Alice in Wonderland (which the author
gives a nod to), I’ve wanted the Mad Hatter to have a happily ever after. This first book is free (right now), and I
was absolutely pleasantly surprised.
The book starts off by introducing the series through a
fairy godmother (Danika) to “bad boys” which includes Mad Hatter, Hook, the Big
Bad Wolf, Gerard (I don’t know who he is) and…someone else…there are five of
them. Something bad will happen (not
quite sure what, perhaps we find out later) if those five “bad boys”. It’s a genie!
That is the fifth guy. His name
is Jinni.
Ok so this book is the Mad Hatter’s. He can change Wonderland with a thought and
his moods. He is slowly going mad and
loves to quote Edgar Alan Poe. I loved
reading about Wonderland.
Favorite quote:
"He means nonoe of what he says and only half of what he doesn't."
Favorite quote:
"He means nonoe of what he says and only half of what he doesn't."
Creed by Kristen Ashley (Unfinished Heroes #2)

This is the second book in the Unfinished Heroes series. As
the author says, this series is a little different than her other series in
that it is about the “anti-hero”. Knight
is a much better anti-hero than Sylvie as he is basically a pimp (although that
word is never used). Sylvie works for
Knight sometimes so I guess that is where her “anti-hero-ness” comes in. Oh, and this series has more of the smexy stuff
than her other series and by that I mean it is more graphic and…hmmm how to say
this…more adventurous? We will go with that…more
adventurous. This story is about Sylvie
and Creed. They were childhood
sweethearts and were torn apart right when it should have gotten good for
Throughout the story we get snippets of how Sylvie and Creed
started. I actually think those snippets
were my favorite part of the entire book.
Usually, I hate when authors do that and I can’t wait to get through
passages like that, but I could. not. wait. to read those sections. We get to see when Sylvie and Creed meet when
she is six and he is eleven and get to read about most of the major events in
their young lives.
Anyway, they were separated when they were young and it was
tragic for both of them, and by that I don’t mean that their little hearts were
broken (although they most certainly were), I mean that they were both
abused/tortured is terrible ways.
Neither has known what the other went through and they haven’t seen each
other for sixteen years. That is pretty
much the beginning of the book.
Those are my favorite parts of the book. I loved reading about little Sylvie and little
Creed. I think my absolute favorite is
when Creed realizes he likes Sylvie but she is still too young to be with
him. And I loved hearing about the
tragedy that took them apart. That
sounds weird because they were both
seriously abused and almost killed, but I liked that it wasn’t some stupid “I
thought they would be better off without me and so I left”. It was well thought out most people would
react the way that Sylvie and Creed did.
What I didn’t like about the book was the rest of the
storyline. There was a little drama at
the beginning with Knight needing some help and a little at the end with Hawk
Delgado (from Mystery Man, whom for the record I love, love, love). Besides that, nothing much happens and it is
all about Creed and Sylvie working through their demons and I am sorry but it
was b-o-r-i-n-g! I actually skimmed a
couple pages and I NEVER do that.
The other thing I didn’t like was that Sylvie was too much
of a KA man character. She dressed like
a guy and talked like a commando.
Yuck. But I get that it was part
of what happened to her to make her hard, I just didn’t like that she spoke
like every other KA hero. You with me?
(That is a joke. That is Sylvie’s phrase
in this book.)
As I said in a previous post, I pretty much read this one to
get to the next one. Raid is supposed to be out February 28th
and I am getting a little worried that it won’t be released then…but I guess I can’t
complain because it popped up on my radar unexpectedly. There is a couple free chapters on the author’s
Favorite quote:
"You feed your cat once a day?" he asked and I stopped opposite the bar and planted my hands on my hips. "Yeah," I answered. "She says two," Creed informed me. Shit. He spoke cat. This was not good. Gun knew all my secrets.
Favorite quote:
"You feed your cat once a day?" he asked and I stopped opposite the bar and planted my hands on my hips. "Yeah," I answered. "She says two," Creed informed me. Shit. He spoke cat. This was not good. Gun knew all my secrets.
P.S. don't google "Creed" images. It is not PG...or PG 13...or R. In fact, it is probably XXX. Now that I said that you are probably all going to do that, but I am telling
you…just don’t. You can’t un-see that.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
What Am I Reading Next?
Creed by Kristen Ashley...
This is the second book in her "Unfinished Heroes" series. The first book wasn't my favorite and so you may wonder why I would read the second book...I'll tell you. I read an excerpt from her website for an upcoming book titled "Raid" and I was hooked instantly and can't wait to get my grubby little hands on it. What does this have to do with anything you ask? I'll tell you...Raid is book 3 in the "Unfinished Heroes" series, so I have to read book 2 before I can read book 3! Those are the rules. I didn't make them, I just follow them. Sylvie is definitely not the normal Kristen Ashley heroine. She is petite (KA usually writes her heroines as blond with big boobs and a big bootie and long legs) and she is crass (as in super crass). to follow.
This is the second book in her "Unfinished Heroes" series. The first book wasn't my favorite and so you may wonder why I would read the second book...I'll tell you. I read an excerpt from her website for an upcoming book titled "Raid" and I was hooked instantly and can't wait to get my grubby little hands on it. What does this have to do with anything you ask? I'll tell you...Raid is book 3 in the "Unfinished Heroes" series, so I have to read book 2 before I can read book 3! Those are the rules. I didn't make them, I just follow them. Sylvie is definitely not the normal Kristen Ashley heroine. She is petite (KA usually writes her heroines as blond with big boobs and a big bootie and long legs) and she is crass (as in super crass). to follow.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Fair Game by Patricia Briggs (Alpha & Omega #3)

5 big ‘ole stars
I just love anything Patricia Briggs writes. It’s just awesome. This is the third installment in this series (which is a spin off series from the author’s Mercy Thompson series, so start there if you need to start at the beginning). From what I could gather, it picks up about one year after “Hunting Ground” ended. The werewolves are out to the public and need to be on their best behavior. Because of this, Bran is more strict than usual, which means that Charles is sent out often to kill those wolves bringing bad publicity to them. This is taking its toll on Charles and he is pulling away from Anna to protect her from these consequences.
Bran sends Anna and Charles to help the FBI with a serial killer case in the hopes of 1. providing some good publicity for the werewolves by helping to catch a bad guy with their superhero powers and 2. giving Charles a break from all the killing. They quickly discover that besides the three recent werewolf killings by this serial killer, that the killer has been murdering and torturing the fae for decades. When a prominent fae, Beauclaire, finds that his daughter has been taken by this killer, he joins the hunt as well.
Anna and Charles are having a hard time during this book and at times that is hard to read. I think one of my favorite scenes was on the island that was so full of black magic that it was affecting Anna and she was telling Charles that she wasn’t good enough and she would just leave and Charles had to get in her face and the resulting nookie. I didn’t like Leslie as much as I was supposed to. I didn’t dislike her, but she didn’t do much for the story line (except her card). I really enjoyed meeting Isaac (the Boston Alpha), he was smart and knew how to handle Charles almost as well as Anna. Beauclaire did a sneak attack on me. It wasn’t until the last 10% that I realized that I loved him.
The next Mercy Thompson book comes out in 2 weeks and I am pretty sure that you should read this book before Frost Burned is released because the ending is a game changer for the series. Of course, I am sure that the author will explain it to you in Frost Burned, but you should live it for yourself in Fair Game because it was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
Favorite Quote: (there were a couple but I finally ended on this one, it sums up the book well)
“Never accept the blame for what evil people do. We are all responsible for our own actions.”
–Anna Cornick
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs (Alpha and Omega #2)
5 Stars
Every once in a while I read a book that has been sitting on my kindle for ages and ages and when I get done, I think to myself, “self, why in the world did you wait so long?” Of course I have no good answer to myself and I really should know better with Patricia Briggs. I love her stuff!
This book takes up with Anna and Charles on their way to a conference for a good chunk of the alphas of the world. Bran has sent Charles in his stead to discuss with them his plan to bring the werewolves out into the public eye. There is a lot of tension with that many alphas together and not all of them have good blood with Bran and/or Charles. We learn pretty quickly that one of the wolves is involved in subterfuge, but to what end? Anna and Charles got to know one another more and the reader (and Anna) gets to see that being an Omega does not make her weak. She is coming into her own and it was awesome to see a character who had been excessively victimized previously who is able to get some strength back and fight for herself and her mate. Loved it! I wish that Anna and Charles would get even closer but Ms. Briggs brings people together at her own pace.
I hear that I must quickly read “Fair Game” before “Frost Burned” comes out on March 5th (yes, it has also been sitting on my kindle for ages and ages!) so I think that is up next!
Favorite Quote:
“Women are the blood thirsty sex,” said Ric sadly. “We get the reputation, but it is only because the women stand behind us, and say, ‘Kill it. Squish it.’
Monday, February 11, 2013
At Peace by Kristen Ashley (The 'Burg Series #2)
4.25 Stars (is that possible? I don’t know but it is my blog and I can give 0.25 stars if I want)
This story takes place in a small Indiana town outside of Indianapolis. I happen to be from Indiana and am familiar with the area that the author writes about, which brings an element of fun that most novels don’t have (as not many take place in Indiana J).
The main characters are Violet Winters (I love the name Violet!) and Joe “Cal” Callahan. They are neighbors and live across the street from Colt and Feb from the first book in The ‘Burg Series. Violet moved there with her daughters from Chicago after the death of her husband (Tim) of 17 years by a psychopath who has followed her movements down to Indiana. Cal is security to the stars and specializes in stalkers and wiring installations for security systems. Violet had lived there over a year and had never met her neighbor but one night she does, while wearing pink rain boots and a ratty old robe. Thus begins a tumultuous affair with lots of ups and lots of downs. Cal has his own demons and does so many 180° turns that the reader gets dizzy. He’s hot, he’s cold, who knows! There is another love interest in this book, Mike Haines (who I also love but apparently I have to wait a while to read more about him! boooo!). We also meet Cal’s cousin/cugino, Benny, and although it is planned for him and Frankie to get their own book, it hasn’t come out yet and I really, really, really, really want to read their story!
Ok, all done. Daniel Hart the crazy, stalker man comes after Vi and Cal is not having that. I liked the ending of this book because the drama with the crazy man lasted longer than in some of the author’s other books.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Blood Rites (Grey Wolves #2) by Quinn Loftis

3.0 stars
This installment takes up right where the first book left us: Jacque and Fane are going to be doing the blood rites in Texas and they are getting ready. Jacque’s father (an alpha in the Denver pack) has recently become aware of her existence and has ordered his beta to keep an eye on her. Logan (the beta) has decided he has a liking for Jacque as well now (yes, we have heard that song before). I felt like it was somewhat believable in the first book. There aren’t a lot of females and Jacque was living in his territory, but I am not buying Logan’s insta-obsession with Jacque in this. He needs a mate. The darkness is consuming him. We get it. So he sets plans into motion to get what he wants: a mate. And this is Jacque (again).
Jen and Sally weren’t quite as annoying to me in this one, but I still did not find their jokes and sarcasm even remotely amusing or endearing and it is clear that the author intends it to be. I think this might just be me because I read quite a few reviews where the readers felt like they were quite funny and endearing. If I said that with this book and said it with the first book, then you might ask yourself, “Why does she keep reading them then?” That is a good question. The answer is that the story line was great in the first one, and while this second book felt like it was the same song, different beat, I still enjoyed it. What I enjoyed most though was watching Decebel and Jen’s interaction (I know, I am a big ball of contradictions since I just said that Jen is annoying to me). I'm not sure if I want to read on in the series...
My favorite lines in this book:
“…shining light where there has been only darkness…” --Fane to Jacque (vows for the blood rites)
“He dared me to give him a reason to kill someone if the time came that he called me Virginia and it no longer pertained to me.” --Jen to Sally (telling Sally what Decebel leaned over to whisper in his ear)
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Vampire, Vampire by Heather Killough-Walden
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is actually two novellas in one. The first one, the author describes as paranormal fantasy romance and is titled, “Thorn and Grace”. It is about a race of beings which are most similar to vampires in that they drink blood and are extremely long lived. Christopher Thorn is the prince of one kingdom and is betrothed to Darianna Grace who is the beloved princess of another, but on the night of their wedding, Darianna is missing. Her carriage arrives, but sans Darianna. Christopher believes that his Anna has run from him and he spends the next many (many, many) years searching for her. And suddenly he finds her! The rest of the story is what follows when Christopher finds the woman who broke his heart. Loved it! Paranomal fantasy romance? Please, sir, can I have some more?
The next novella was titled “Relentless: The Patrick Sinclair Story”. I loved this one less that the first one. It is about a girl who finds herself in a heap of trouble after meeting the billionaire, Patrick Sinclair. I don’t think I can say much more about this one because everything else would contain a spoiler. You learn a lot throughout the entire story (as opposed to keeping all the secrets looked up tight until the end). The author does put a disclaimer in the synopsis saying, “Don't read it if you're expecting the development of an extremely deep and meaningful relationship in less than 80 pages.” I liked aspects of it, but I think I would have liked it better if Patrick got to know his lady-fair a little bit better.
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